Fill in the registration form here below. To validate your registration, you will have to arrange a meeting with the following orientation:
Reply to a questionnaire with elements for our data base. You must bring documents which prove the supplied elements, as all information given by the candidates will be checked in order to ensure its veracity and to give credibility to our data base.
Reply to questionnaires of personality tests for orientation of the process.
In point 1 of the meeting you will be explained the functioning and prices of 482 Consult® and will only go to point 2 if you wish.
The treatment of personal data supplied by people registered in 482 Consult® , will be carried out in a transparent way and in the strict respect for the private life, as well as by the rights, liberties ands fundamental guaranties, being treated with the greatest confidentiality and assured its protection.
Registration form for making an appointment: (Note: all fields identified with “*” are mandatory. All information given will be treated in a confidential way).